
Artículo: Retratos de los representantes de la maquinaria del estado en la lucha contra el COVID-19 en Malasia: Un estudio de CovidBall Z de Ernest Ng

The Portrayals of State Machinery Figures in Combating COVID-19 in Malaysia: A Study on Ernest Ng’s CovidBall Z Tipo Artículo de revista académica Autor Nazima Versay Kudus Autor Noor Azli Affendy Lee Resumen In this time of pandemic, people engage with diverse narratives of infographics to make sense of their experiences. Scholars agreed that comics…Read more

Artículo: Paradojas de innovación en los cómics digitales franceses

Paradoxes of Innovation in French Digital Comics Baudry, J. (2018). Paradoxes of Innovation in French Digital Comics. The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship, 8(0), Article 0. https://doi.org/10.16995/cg.108 Tipo Artículo de revista académica Autor Julien Baudry Resumen The word ‘innovative’ and its lexical field of novelty are often used to market digital comics. This obsession…Read more